Frequently asked Questions:

Here we will answer the most common questions. If you have a question that is not answered here, please drop us a line at with your questions.

Do I need to be a techie to use your service?: Absolutely not. Our service is designed for both the tech savvy as well as the complete newbie and everyone in between. We offer simple, straight forward instruction with screen shots and offer prompt support when needed to get you to the level you desire.

What platforms does your service work on?: Our service works on all popular operating systems including Windows Vista & XP to Windows 8, 9, 10 & 11.  Mac OSX, AOL, Linux and others. Our proxy and web services will work on all popular web browsers.

Are there additional costs or fees?: Your subscription gives you full access to our service. There are no hidden costs or fees. Our expiring plans never rebill. If you choose 3 month or one year subscription your user ID will simply become invalid at the end of the subscription and you will have to sign up again for new access. The only time you would pay additional fees is if you choose to have us anonymously register a new domain on your behalf or upgrade to a high usage hosting package. New .com, .net or .org domains registered anonymously are $19.95 a year. Specialty domain prices vary. Lifetime subscriptions NEVER expire and will remain valid for life.

What types of logs do you maintain?: To put it simply, NONE. To maintain logs of any type would clearly violate the privacy and anonymity we stand for!

Can I use your service on more than one computer?: Yes. As a subscriber you can use our service on any computer or device that you own or personally use.

Can I still use my default email program?: Yes, absolutely. You can use your default email program as you normally would. With our service, you have the option to be completely anonymous when you want to be anonymous.

Do I get software and can I download it right away?: We offer software downloads as well as services. Once you subscribe to our service you are given access to our subscribers area and can start using our services and software right away.

Will you ever sell or share my information in any way?: Absolutely not. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE will we EVER share ANY information on our subscribers with ANYONE for ANY reason. To do so would clearly violate the privacy we stand for.

Is it illegal to be anonymous online?: No, there are no laws that prevent a person from being anonymous online or taking steps to mask their true identity while online.

Have you really been providing services since 1997?: We first launched our service on a tripod shared hosting page in January 1997 and in early 1998 secured the domain. Read more on our 27 year history here

Popular Services:

Click on the appropriate links below:.

Specialty Services

Additional Services for our Subscribers: